Tag: Software

Why Is Studying Dentistry A Good Option?

Why Study Dentistry In Four Points Surely you have some doubts about making this decision, and it is normal because it is a very important step in your professional life but also your personal life. You must bear in mind that, from now on, your life will be strongly marked …

What Does The Dentistry Career Consist Of?

 What Does A Dentist Do? Among the functions that a Dentist must perform are activities such as general diagnosis of the patient’s condition and the implementation of a treatment. It is also responsible for the application of assistance techniques for the correction of oral diseases and deals with the intervention …

Reasons To Study Dentistry

Many people wonder why studying a career in dentistry is a good option. Although it is a vocational career, it is also a good professional option and if you decide to opt for it you will discover the benefits of studying this degree. The first thing you should know is …

Dentistry: What Is It?

Dentistry is considered a science of health. Thus, it is in charge of: To diagnose Apply treatment To prevent All those disease affections are present in the apparatus called Stomatognathic.  Being that it is made up of: Lips Teeth Tongue Palate The periodontium The gums Oral mucosa The floor of …